Company Profile

1031 Equity Exchange, LLC


1031 Equity Exchange, LLC
is one of the few Commercial Real Estate Brokerage firms in the United States that caters to all types of investors. Our mission is to help our network members maximize their return on investment by locating and negotiating exceptional property values nationwide.

As a company, our primary goals are to:

  • Establish a lasting relationship with investors by managing their acquired assets.
  • Help our clients reposition and stabilize acquired replacement properties.
  • Increase capitalization to its highest possible rate, thereby substantially increasing our clients’ asset value and equity.
  • Represent Buyers in the acquisition of replacement properties or Sellers in the disposition of relinquished properties and to work closely with cooperating Brokers and third parties involved for the successful completion of their 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange.

If you are interested in learning more about 1031 Equity Exchange or would like to become a member, please contact us or register an account today.